Commercial Door Mats

Based in Brighton, Sussex Vinyl Flooring sources and installs high-quality entrance matting in the form of commercial door mats for your workplace.

Comings and Goings for Safety and Cleanliness

The entryway to your building may be something you’d usually want to take for granted.

But, did you know that it’s one of the areas with the highest foot traffic? And, that a substantial amount of dirt will waltz in via people’s shoes? Yes, into your working environment. For example, your office, hospital, healthcare setting or any other commercial space. 

Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that your choice of commercial door mats is positive. If your entrance matting reduces the moisture and dirt visitors track over your interior floors, you’ll save money on maintaining them. Plus, there’s a clear and present safety issue here. That is to say, the entrance to a building can contribute to almost 30% of non-fatal injuries.

Who Do We Work With?

With over 24 years’ experience of in installing flooring in working environments, we only work with third parties whose values and approach match ours. Therefore, we’re delighted to partner with Forbo, Milliken, Heckmondwike and Burmatex, all suppliers of commercial entrance matting of the highest quality.

Ask Us for Advice on…

Safety. Entrance matting can reduce the amount of dirt and damp that would otherwise find its way into your building. In effect, it wicks away moisture.

Thus you can decrease the likelihood of people slipping over.

Protecting your internal floors. Your entrance matting is a first-guard defence against scratches caused by small stones on people’s shoes. Did you know that these can damage the floor? Quite a lot, in fact. 

Improved air quality. A little-known fact: good quality matting can reduce the amount of debris in the building. Thus, there are fewer particles in the atmosphere.

Less cleaning – with distance. We’d be happy to advise on the dimensions of your entrance matting. If the entrance is long enough, there’s plenty of opportunity for people to wipe the soles of their shoes. A brilliant solution. Why? Because they won’t know they’re doing it. 

First Impressions. A clean and tidy entrance will always look good. With the right entrance matting, you can complement the surrounding area. And, give a super-smart impression.

Also, talk to us about the type of commercial entrance matting that could offer the best performance levels for your workplace. There are various materials for a fabulous choice. Plus, it’s essential for you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Sussex Vinyl Flooring has all the knowledge and experience you need.

Lots to think about. Get in touch today for expert advice and to discuss your next steps.

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